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White and Yellow Noodle Bowl Recipe 16_9
Writer's pictureclaro pool

Palm trees and your pool

Planting palm trees around the pool adds a beautiful tropical touch to our backyard's landscape, and as those of us who chose to live in the Coachella Valley, we are lucky to design our backyards this way. But beware, palm trees have hidden hazards.

We have over 20 years of experience in pool construction, repair, and maintenance. We've seen a lot of really cool pools. We've seen a lot of pools with trees growing around the spa & pool also.

Unfortunately, not all trees were planted to make it a sustainable environment. Many of these trees have caused a headache or tens of thousands of dollars in damage.

How can palm trees create pool issues?

Palm trees generally have roots that will turn into drinking straws and suck the water out of your pool.

It means you are refilling your pool all the time; the autofill runs non-stop!

That causes high water bills, and it's not environmentally friendly.

Secondly, the roots of palm trees can actually become structures. They can shift the concrete and crack the pool's structure, besides just the water. We want you to be happy and see you more often, but planting palm trees next to your pool is not the way to do it.

How to solve palm tree issues?

If you want to keep that cool the tropical vibe of your backyard, move to Hawaii. No, no, we are just joking. The solution is to plant the trees at least 15ft away from the pool.

This will help you avoid major issues. Moreover, it gives you flexibility in managing your backyard's landscape. Choose the type of palm trees carefully, talk to a landscape architect, make your decisions slowly or consult the team of experts at Claropool. We love to speak, and we love to talk about all kinds of things, including palm trees :)

What to do if you already have palm trees planted?

If you already have palm trees planted, call your pool service company, request a pool inspection by the team at Calropool, and let us check it out for you.

A pool inspection provided by us or any licensed contractor will surely save you a lot of money and a lot of headaches in the future.

As the number one Pool Service company in California, we provide comprehensive reports, including before/after photos and recommendations, sent via email, so you can relax by the pool without thinking about its issues.


Claro Pool is a pool company in Palm Desert, CA, leading the way in swimming pool repair & maintenance services and offering professional pool inspection during escrow.

We love our community, and that's why our mission is to make pools cleaner, healthier and safer. We have had more than 20 years of experience in the pool industry and service many pool homes in the Coachella Valley.

Our team manages over 100 million gallons of recreational water every month! Our expertise and unmatched professional pool service are why thousands of Coachella Valley families trust the Claropool daily to ensure their pools are safe and ready to enjoy.


How to contact us: call (760)341-3377 Let's get social: Tik Tok


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